Thursday, February 21, 2008

Not Ready

Sometimes certain subjects come up over and over, in different classes, in my readings as well as conversations. the one I have been thinking about lately is that most people, when they come to therapy, aren't ready for therapy. They aren't strong enough. They are too anxious, they react and don't reflect, and they don't really think about themselves in helpful ways. What a therapist does is then get the client ready for therapy. They do this by building up his ego strength, helping them think about themselves and look into how their past is influencing their present. Only when this process is over can real therapy start.

This got me thinking about christians. Most people, even if they have been christians for a long time, aren't ready. For community, for service, for a lot of things. And we don't seem to have a good method of getting them ready. That is as far as I got on this idea, so I will put it out there and see what else we can come up with

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