Friday, February 22, 2008


I have been thinking about power a lot lately, because I have been reading out gender. Many people like to say that men and women have the same amount of power, but they are used in different ways. I think the universal awareness of at least a hint of this is what confuses people when they talk about Gender. "Yes men set the rules, and get to do whatever they want, but women are really behind all of it." something like that

The problem with this, and similar thinking, is that men's power is primary. They get to do whatever they want, they get to set the rules. Women's power is often secondary. It can be a lot of power, sometimes even more than what a man's is, but it always has to be hidden or masked in some way. A women may run a household, but she isn't proud of it, and she definitely isn't flaunting it at church.

I think this is usually true with any group of minorities and majorities or any sort of social hierarchy. the majorities get the primary power, the minorities, or women, or children can have their power, but they have to pretend it is something else.

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